[cvs] commit: mnemo list.php memo.php menu.php prefs.php view.php
Mike Cochrane
Sat, 21 Sep 2002 09:36:24 -0700 (PDT)
mikec 2002/09/21 09:36:24 PDT
Modified files:
. list.php memo.php menu.php prefs.php
[mac] Add shared notepad.
[mac] Rename Memos to Notes.
Known issues, or things you can do if you're bored.
Nag, Mnemo and Kronolith:
Import needs an option to specify which tasklist to import into.
Maybe export needs an option to export a specific notepad/tasklist/calendar
or the currently selected combination.
At the moment when adding to a task/note/event you select a category from your
personal category list. This list may not match that of the share's owner
who's category list is used when retrieving the category name.
Possible fixes:
1. Store the complete category name in the database instead of just the id.
2. Change the category options based on which target is selected.
3. If the selected category doesn't exist in the owner's category list add
it and and use it.
4. Store categories as a per share setting instead of a per user setting.
Would still require 2 or 3.
That's just the issues I know about. i'm sure you'll all have a bunch of patches
for me when I wake up.
- Mike :-)
Revision Changes Path
1.8 +4 -36 mnemo/list.php
1.4 +78 -27 mnemo/memo.php
1.2 +3 -1 mnemo/menu.php
1.6 +16 -1 mnemo/prefs.php
1.3 +6 -11 mnemo/view.php
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