[cvs] commit: klutz comics.php klutz/lib Image.php

Marcus I. Ryan marcus at riboflavin.net
Tue Dec 17 19:38:06 PST 2002

marcus      2002/12/17 19:38:06 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    comics.php 
    lib                  Image.php 
  Modified version of patch submitted by Jon Knepher <jbk@wild-e.com>.  I'm
  not 100% sure this works (neither netscape nor mozilla display the modified
  time correctly, but it appears to be sending the headers correctly, and
  correctly formatted).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.29      +9 -1      klutz/comics.php
  1.7       +13 -5     klutz/lib/Image.php

  Chora Links:

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