[cvs] commit: horde menu_dhtml.php horde/templates/javascript menu_dhtml.js

Mike Cochrane mike at graftonhall.co.nz
Sat Jan 18 00:49:48 PST 2003

mikec       2003/01/18 00:49:48 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    menu_dhtml.php 
    templates/javascript menu_dhtml.js 
  Put the javascript back in the header so it's cached.
  The js file can't have the <javascript> tags around it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  2.10      +3 -4      horde/menu_dhtml.php
  1.5       +0 -5      horde/templates/javascript/menu_dhtml.js

  Chora Links:

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