[cvs] commit: horde login.php horde/lib Registry.php horde/templates/login user.inc

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Jan 23 10:44:58 PST 2003

chuck       2003/01/23 10:44:57 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    login.php 
    lib                  Registry.php 
    templates/login      user.inc 
  Make it much harder to kill Horde with an improperly configured app in
  the summary - importConfig() now will return an error (and not die) if
  a config file isn't there, and pushApp(), callByPackage(), and the
  summary code all know how to check for errors. Also, users now get to
  see errors generated by the summary method, instead of just "invalid
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.134     +21 -8     horde/lib/Registry.php
  2.113     +2 -1      horde/login.php
  2.36      +1 -1      horde/templates/login/user.inc

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