[cvs] commit: turba addobject.php data.php turba/config
attributes.php.dist turba/lib ObjectView.php Source.php api.php
base.php turba/templates/advanced results_head.inc
turba/templates/browse column_headers.inc search.inc ...
Marko Djukic
tech at oblo.com
Tue Feb 4 19:04:06 PST 2003
mdjukic 2003/02/04 19:04:04 PST
Modified files:
. addobject.php data.php
config attributes.php.dist
lib ObjectView.php Source.php api.php
templates/advanced results_head.inc
templates/browse column_headers.inc search.inc
templates/display display.inc
templates/edit edit.inc
templates/prefs columnselect.inc
templates/search head.inc
Start moving Turba to use Horde_Form.
Important Points:
- New config/attributes.php file, the syntax of the array has changed. Most notable is that the 'type' element will reflect the types available in Horde_Form. Small tweaks, desc has changed to label, and now there are extra elements such as required, readonly and description, and params which will be whatever extra parameters the Horde_Form type requires.
- addobject.php script now uses the Horde_Form, this still needs a bit of cleaning up, but at least the base is there.
- The lib/ObjectView.php has a new function setFormVariables() which is used to set up the Horde_Form vars using the attributes array. There is still the display() function, but that is to be eliminated as soon as the displayobject.php script is also converted to Horde_Form.
- The lib/Source.php now detects if there is a __owner field in the source and hence sets the Auth::getAuth() value to it. This is no longer passed through the form.
- lib/base.php now requires in the Horde_Form libs. Turba will be mostly using Horde_Forms so this might as well be here.
- The displayobject.php script remains as it is for now because of some problems with Horde_Form still to be ironed out.
- The pkcs7cert field for now is just like any other longtext field. Still need to find a solution to display this better.
- The other files have just had small tweaks like changing ['desc'] to ['label'] when using the attributes array.
Revision Changes Path
1.19 +65 -18 turba/addobject.php
1.19 +53 -28 turba/config/attributes.php.dist
1.43 +2 -2 turba/data.php
1.9 +28 -3 turba/lib/ObjectView.php
1.55 +5 -2 turba/lib/Source.php
1.45 +2 -2 turba/lib/api.php
1.37 +5 -1 turba/lib/base.php
1.14 +2 -2 turba/templates/advanced/results_head.inc
1.5 +2 -2 turba/templates/browse/column_headers.inc
1.2 +2 -2 turba/templates/browse/search.inc
1.40 +1 -1 turba/templates/display/display.inc
1.16 +3 -3 turba/templates/edit/edit.inc
1.10 +1 -1 turba/templates/prefs/columnselect.inc
1.28 +2 -2 turba/templates/search/head.inc
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