[cvs] commit: imp/templates/mailbox message_summaries.inc

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Feb 6 11:58:57 PST 2003

ericr       2003/02/06 11:58:57 PST

  Modified files:
    templates/mailbox    message_summaries.inc 
  Change isset() to !empty() for the message (source/server) color.
  The color is set via:
  $msg['color'] = (isset($message['color'])) ? $message['color'] : '';
  and hence isset() is always true.  What we really want is !empty() so
  it only changes the color if a real color is set.  Without this change
  it seems fine in mozilla/IE, but makes the number column black in
  Netscape 4.x under Linux.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  2.56      +1 -1      imp/templates/mailbox/message_summaries.inc

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