[cvs] commit: rakim messages.php rakim/docs CHANGES rakim/guest messages.php rakim/lib Rakim.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Apr 21 11:59:29 PDT 2003

chuck       2003/04/21 10:59:28 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    messages.php 
    docs                 CHANGES 
    guest                messages.php 
    lib                  Rakim.php 
  [cjh] When there are multiple other techs, such as in the support channel
  or when two techs are talking to one user, uniquely color each
  tech with a different foreground color over the white background.
  Right now there are only 3 colors, so they'll cycle pretty quickly,
  but adding more in the future will be trivial.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.19      +3 -0      rakim/docs/CHANGES
  1.5       +4 -2      rakim/guest/messages.php
  1.11      +21 -1     rakim/lib/Rakim.php
  1.7       +12 -7     rakim/messages.php

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