[cvs] commit: imp folders.php imp/lib IMP.php imp/templates/folders actions.inc javascript.inc

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Fri Jun 13 00:09:15 PDT 2003

slusarz     2003/06/13 00:09:15 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    folders.php 
    lib                  IMP.php 
    templates/folders    actions.inc javascript.inc 
  Add 'download to mbox file in zip format' to folders menu.
  Moved actionIDs exclusive to folders.php from IMP.php - these constants are
  used exclusively on this page, so no real need to waste cycles defining
  them on every page (define() appears to be a bigger CPU cycle hog than you
  may think...).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  2.211     +30 -3     imp/folders.php
  1.386     +4 -19     imp/lib/IMP.php
  1.28      +2 -1      imp/templates/folders/actions.inc
  1.15      +7 -5      imp/templates/folders/javascript.inc

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