[cvs] commit: imp compose.php message.php imp/lib/Identity imp.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Thu Jul 24 18:34:21 PDT 2003

slusarz     2003/07/24 18:34:21 PDT

  Modified files:
    .                    compose.php message.php 
    lib/Identity         imp.php 
  Clean up the identity stuff to work better with the new aliases code.
  When replying to all, don't reply to any address that is in the user's
  identities (from -or- alias).  I've been trying to think of a clean way
  to do this for ages, and Jan's solution just fell into my lap.  Thanks Jan!
  Revision  Changes    Path
  2.672     +2 -2      imp/compose.php
  1.19      +138 -82   imp/lib/Identity/imp.php
  2.480     +2 -2      imp/message.php

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