[cvs] commit: nag/lib Driver.php api.php nag data.php task.php tasklists.php nag/lib/Driver sql.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Oct 21 20:55:47 PDT 2003

chuck       2003/10/21 20:55:47 PDT

  Modified files:
    lib                  api.php Driver.php 
    .                    data.php task.php tasklists.php 
    lib/Driver           sql.php 
  Re-work Nag's API so that we can use nextId() to generate ids for tasks, which
  means that we'll never reuse an id for a task, which means that histories and
  syncing will be able to work reliably.
  As soon as I update my other server, I'll write up a script that will fix the
  PEAR sequence table so as not to break existing data.
  The category driver isn't updated yet. If someone is using it, could you submit
  a patch?
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.28      +11 -11    nag/data.php
  1.41      +2 -133    nag/lib/Driver.php
  1.43      +148 -133  nag/lib/Driver/sql.php
  1.50      +2 -7      nag/lib/api.php
  1.59      +29 -45    nag/task.php
  1.21      +4 -5      nag/tasklists.php

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