[cvs] commit: horde login.php framework/Auth Auth.php gollem redirect.php gollem/lib Gollem.php imp login.php redirect.php imp/lib IMP.php horde/lib Horde.php mimp login.php rakim/guest index.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Wed Jan 28 11:28:14 PST 2004

slusarz     2004/01/28 11:28:12 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    login.php 
    Auth                 Auth.php 
    .                    redirect.php 
    lib                  Gollem.php 
    .                    login.php redirect.php 
    lib                  IMP.php 
    lib                  Horde.php 
    .                    login.php 
    guest                index.php 
  Store authentication error reason/messages in a global array ($__autherrors).
  This is a bit messy but necessary since we a) use Auth:: both statically and
  via objects all over the place so there is no guarantee that
  storing something in an object/static variable will be able to be accessed
  elsewhere, and b) since we use Horde::authenticationErrorRedirect() to redirect
  on most authentication problems (like session timeouts), or our logout
  redirects are disjointed in code a long way from the actual authentication
  failures, it starts to get really messy if we were to start explicitly
  explicitly passing around specific Auth object variables all over the place.
  This change has the additional benefit of allowing us to call
  Auth::addLogoutParameters() with just the URL argument and having that
  function automatically generate the correct parameters necessary to output
  the error message on the login page. That function will still allow a
  specific reason to be passed in if the calling code knows exactly what kind
  of error it wants to throw.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.115     +32 -45    framework/Auth/Auth.php
  1.113     +13 -14    gollem/lib/Gollem.php
  1.32      +4 -4      gollem/redirect.php
  1.372     +3 -2      horde/lib/Horde.php
  2.151     +2 -2      horde/login.php
  1.414     +4 -4      imp/lib/IMP.php
  2.202     +2 -2      imp/login.php
  1.95      +3 -4      imp/redirect.php
  1.17      +2 -2      mimp/login.php
  1.18      +2 -2      rakim/guest/index.php

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