[cvs] commit: imp folders.php imp/lib Tree.php imp/lib/Block
Michael M Slusarz
slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu
Fri Jan 30 15:49:24 PST 2004
slusarz 2004/01/30 15:49:24 PST
Modified files:
. folders.php
lib Tree.php
lib/Block summary.php
For init/singleton/constructor of IMP_Tree, the question should be whether we
want to _show_ unsubscribed mailboxes, not whether we want to _only show_
subscribed - makes much more sense in my book.
Added the code to IMP_Tree to determine what mailboxes are unsubscribed.
All that's left is to write the code to intelligently (i.e. only add to
mailbox levels that we have already discovered ) add mailboxes to the tree
when switching from view subscribed to view unsubscribed.
Revision Changes Path
2.266 +7 -6 imp/folders.php
1.34 +2 -2 imp/lib/Block/summary.php
1.120 +93 -31 imp/lib/Tree.php
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