[cvs] commit: kronolith/docs CHANGES kronolith/lib Kronolith.php kronolith month.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Mar 16 12:56:20 PST 2004

chuck       2004/03/16 12:56:20 PST

  Modified files:
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  Kronolith.php 
    .                    month.php 
  [cjh] The month view no longer shows blank boxes for days in the grid that are
  outside of the current month - instead, it goes back into the previous
  month and forward into the next month however many days are showable.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.123     +3 -0      kronolith/docs/CHANGES
  1.190     +8 -7      kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php
  1.137     +11 -21    kronolith/month.php

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