[cvs] commit: jonah/config templates.php.dist jonah/lib News.php

Jon Parise jon at horde.org
Fri Apr 2 00:37:01 PST 2004

jon         2004/04/02 00:37:01 PST

  Modified files:
    config               templates.php.dist 
    lib                  News.php 
  Previously, when a channel contained no stories, only the "No stories
  available" text would be returned and rendered.  Now, an 'error' template
  element has been introduced which allows the error text to be rendered
  more aesthetically.  This allows us to preserve the channel's name heading
  above the "No stories are currently available" error text.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +6 -1      jonah/config/templates.php.dist
  1.38      +16 -10    jonah/lib/News.php

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