[cvs] [Wiki] changed: Deployments

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Apr 15 09:40:11 PDT 2004

jan  Thu, 15 Apr 2004 09:40:11 -0700

Modified page: https://dev.horde.org/horde/wicked/display.php?page=Deployments
New Revision:  1.7

@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 || Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences || thousands || 4 Compaq Tru64 || || ((DeploymentHarvard|Details))||
 || National Portuguese Government Agency || 1,000 || 8 Mail Servers (Exchange) and 1 Webmail Server (Apache/SSL) || || ||
 || NYU School of Medicine || || || || ||
 || [https://webmail2.alumnos.utfsm.cl Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria] || || || [mailto:slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu Michael Slusarz] || ||
-|| [http://webmail.colorado.edu University of Colorado at Boulder] || || || [mailto:slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu Michael Slusarz] || ||
+|| [http://webmail.colorado.edu University of Colorado at Boulder] || || || [mailto:slusarz at bigworm.colorado.edu Michael Slusarz] || ((DeploymentColorado|Details)) ||
 || [http://mail.umich.edu University of Michigan] || 31,000 || || [mailto:liamr at umich.edu Liam Hoekenga] || ||
 || [https://mail.ph.utexas.edu University of Texas at Austin, Department of Physics] || 1,000 || Dell Poweredge 2400 server, 2x600 Mhz, 512MB memory, Raid5 across 6 disks || [mailto:eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu Eric Rostetter] || ||
 || [https://www.mail.yale.edu Yale University] || || || || ||
@@ -43,63 +43,4 @@
 password is
 Yes, these are really from the companies that they look like.
-From:   Daniel Wyss
-To:  imp at lists.horde.org
-Subject:  RE: [imp] Help Req. : Sizing a Horde\IMP system for 12,000 users
-Speaking from experience combining Sun hardware/Cluster/and Imp/Horde:
-I would first separate out your web server(s) from your mail and DB
-server(s) especially if you plan on using a secure web server and/or
-IMAPS. For this web server, use your best hardware, you may experience
-high loads like we did using SSL, so you may also consider purchasing
-crypto-cards if you run into this problem. The next (big) step would be
-to run a scalable apache server (via Sun Cluster 3.0). This starts
-getting pretty expensive, cost of licensing Sun Cluster 3.0 software,
-the cost of agents, the cost of the approved architecture, and the cost
-of support. Plus you definitely want to get some training if you're
-going to run a Sun Cluster. (personally I wouldn't recommend this route
-unless you really need HA and/or scalability.) I think option 2 from
-Eric's message down below might be the sensible route in your situation.
-We have been running Imp/Horde here at the University of Colorado since
-the Summer of 2000 exclusively on Sun hardware. We initially opened it
-up to existing students as an alternative option to pine/elm or
-imaping/popping. The existing students had the choice to migrate over
-from an older mail server to this WebMail system, and all new incoming
-students were giving an account to this newer system. That first Fall
-semester we started with 5000 user accounts, and today there are 40k. We
-started off with (1)E3500 with 6 336MHz processors 2Gb of memory which
-served as the mail (IMAP only) and mysql backend. The Front-end web
-server was also a E3500 with 6 400MHz processors and 3 Gb of memory.
-When we hit about 30k user accounts we started experiencing high load on
-both servers. Granted, we do add some load with some in-house tweeks to
-the IMP/Horde software for quota and affiliation check, as well as doing
-secure IMAPS and SSL. We ended up with a soon to be 6 node V480 Sun
-Cluster 3.0 system that is running scalable apache serving the front-end
-(running IMP/Horde). For the backend, I ended up writing an agent for
-both mysql and uw-imap and this is in a 2 node cluster running (2) V880
-(one with 6 ultra-sparc-III 750MHz chips and the other with 8, one has
-12 GB and the other has 16GB of memory). It's a screaming system now. I
-have had my hands in this since the beginning, so if you want some more
-info about what we are doing here and what we have learned, feel free to
-contact me.
-Daniel Wyss
-IT PRO, Central and Unix Services
-Information Technology Services
-University of Colorado, Boulder             
-3645 Marine St, CB 455
-Boulder, CO 80309-0455

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