[cvs] [Wiki] changed: WikiHome
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Sat Apr 24 05:42:36 PDT 2004
jan Sat, 24 Apr 2004 05:42:36 -0700
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/display.php?page=WikiHome
New Revision: 12.0
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-A WikiWikiWeb is a site where everyone can collaborate on the content. The most well-known and widely used Wiki is the Portland Pattern Repository at http://c2.com/cgi-bin/wiki?WikiWikiWeb.
++ This is the !HordeWiki
-You and I will find these statements there particularly relevant:
+++ Current Topics
-''The point is to make the EditText form simple and the FindPage search fast.''
+* ReleaseManagement
+* HowTo Collection
+* ((Deployments))
+* InterestingLinks
-''In addition to being quick, this site also aspires to Zen ideals generally labeled WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need.''
+++ "Living" Proposals for Horde Modifications
-''The Universe tends toward chaos. The Universe tends toward Wiki.''
+These are places to keep track of notes, IRC logs, snippets of found code, links, email message snippets, and other stuff related to a proposed Horde modification.
-You can say hello on RecentVisitors, or read about HowToUseWiki and AddingPages. Currently this Wiki has no theme for discussion, so go ahead and play with it and have fun!
+* FieldTypeProposal - proposal for new package to replace Horde_Form_Type:: and Horde_Form_Variable::
-If you find a question mark as you are browsing through the wiki, that means that there is no information for that piece of the wiki. If you click on the question mark, then click on the edit button, you can add more information. Give it a try!
-[DocumentationStart The HORDE installation wiki documentation starts here]
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