[cvs] [Wiki] changed: FAQAdmin

Wiki Guest wiki at wiki.horde.org
Tue May 11 14:55:05 PDT 2004

guest []  Tue, 11 May 2004 14:55:05 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/display.php?page=FAQAdmin
New Revision:  2.0

@@ -1 +1,185 @@
++ About the FAQ
+The Horde Administrator's FAQ contains questions and answers regarding obtaining, installing, configuring, and running Horde and its components. If you are not the system administrator for your Horde installation, then you probably want the User's FAQ.
+Much of what follows involves IMP 2.2, Horde's webmail component. This is mostly a result of IMP being the most mature and most widely-deployed component.
+Please send updates, corrections and comments to the FAQ coordinator.
+Table of Contents
+# General Information
+ # What is...
+  # Horde?
+  # IMP?
+  # Turba?
+  # Kronolith?
+  # Jonah?
+  # WHUPS?
+  # Skattek?
+  # Chora?
+  # Gollem?
+  # Nag?
+  # Mnemo?
+1.2 What other Horde components are rumored to exist?
+ 1.3 I just want web mail. Why do I need Horde?
+ 1.4 How much does Horde cost?
+ 1.5 On what platforms does Horde run?
+1.5.1 Does Horde run on Windows 95 or NT/2K/XP? 
+1.6 How can I get help with setting up Horde?
+ 1.7 Is there a mailing list for Horde and its components?
+ 1.8 I found a bug in Horde. Who should I tell?
+2. Obtaining and Installing Prerequisite Packages 
+2.1 About this FAQ section
+ 2.2 General prerequisites
+2.2.1 What does Horde need to run?
+ 2.2.2 How do I build Apache with PHP?
+ 2.2.3 Can I install Horde's prerequisites from RPMs?
+ 2.2.4 Do I really need gettext support? 
+2.3 IMP prerequisites
+2.3.1 What does IMP need to run?
+ 2.3.2 I don't use UW-IMAP. How can I build IMAP support into PHP?
+ 2.3.3 How can I use secure/encrypted IMAP-SSL connections?
+ 2.3.4 How can I use Microsoft Exchange as my IMAP server?
+ 2.3.5 Can I use POP3 instead of IMAP?
+ 2.3.6 Which database should I use?
+ 2.3.7 Can I run Horde without a database?
+ 2.3.8 Should I use wordview or wvHtml?
+ 2.3.9 Do I have to install Sendmail? 
+2.4 Turba prerequisites
+2.4.1 What does Turba need to run?
+3. Obtaining and Installing Horde and Components 
+3.1 Where can I obtain Horde and its components?
+ 3.2 What version of Horde should I be using?
+3.2.1 What version of IMP should I be using? 
+3.3 Can I install Horde and its components as precompiled packages?
+3.3.1 How can I make Debian's PHP package use IMAP-SSL?
+3.4 How do I install from CVS?
+ 3.5 How do I upgrade via patch files?
+4. Configuration and Operation 
+4.1 General configuration 
+4.1.1 How can I have Horde in a directory other than /horde/?
+ 4.1.2 How can I change the appearance?
+ 4.1.3 How can I change the phrases used for various features?
+ 4.1.4 How can I provide another translation for Horde/IMP's messages?
+ 4.1.5 How do I let users report problems directly from Horde?
+ 4.1.6 Can I use PHP's safe_mode with Horde?
+ 4.1.7 How can I add a graphic or banner to every page?
+ 4.1.8 Why do old preference values overrule newly locked preference values?
+ 4.1.9 How can I disable the username/password saving feature at the login screen?
+ 4.1.10 I've just installed Horde, how do I log in or create users? 
+4.2 IMP configuration 
+4.2.1 Can a single IMP installation serve different virtual hosts?
+ 4.2.2 How can I restrict what my users can do with IMP?
+ 4.2.3 How can I configure IMP's maximum attachment size?
+ 4.2.4 Can I add a custom header to mail sent from IMP?
+ 4.2.5 Where can I find foreign-language dictionaries for spellcheck?
+ 4.2.6 How do I access shared mail folders? Maildir folders? MH folders?
+ 4.2.7 Can IMP show attachments or html inline?
+ 4.2.8 How can I use LDAP for IMP's contact list?
+ 4.2.9 How can I let users change their password through IMP?
+ 4.2.10 How can I let users open new accounts through IMP?
+ 4.2.11 How can I remove maintenance functions in IMP?
+ 4.2.12 Why doesn't the Options button show up in IMP?
+ 4.2.13 Can IMP be used with SMTP authentication?
+ 4.2.14 How can I remove or change the text appended to each email sent through IMP?
+4.3 Turba Configuration 
+4.3.1 How do I migrate my IMP 2.x contacts to Turba?
+ 4.3.2 How do I use LDAP for IMP's Contact List?
+5. Troubleshooting and Common Problems 
+5.1 Common error messages
+5.1.1 "Document contains no data"
+ 5.1.2 "Database error (HordeDB): Session: freeze() failed"
+ 5.1.3 "Cannot instantiate non-existent class: hordect"
+ 5.1.4 "top.opener.parent is not an object"
+ 5.1.5 "undefined function: mysql_pconnect()"
+ 5.1.6 "undefined function: bindtextdomain()"
+ 5.1.7 "undefined function: imap_utf7_encode()"
+ 5.1.8 "imap_utf7_decode: Unexpected end of string"
+ 5.1.9 "undefined function: imap_open"
+ 5.1.10 "Wrong parameter count for imap_delete()"
+ 5.1.11 "PostgreSQL Error: attribute 'val' not found"
+ 5.1.12 "Call to unsupported function page_open"
+ 5.1.13 "Cannot extend nonexistent class HordeDefaults"
+ 5.1.14 "Warning: errflg=2, text=Can't get status of mailbox"
+ 5.1.15 "Warning: Undefined index: Send Message"
+ 5.1.16 "Warning: Undefined variable: sid in .../session.inc"
+ 5.1.17 "Warning: Unable to open '/tmp/...'" when attaching
+ 5.1.18 "Call to undefined function: _()" [Horde 2.0]
+ 5.1.19 "Failed opening test.php3 for inclusion"
+ 5.1.20 "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: quote()"
+ 5.1.21 "Fatal error: Undefined class name 'log' in ..."
+ 5.1.22 "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: iswarning() in..."
+ 5.1.23 "output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice in..."
+ 5.1.24 "Warning: Undefined property: _iv in..."
+ 5.1.25 "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of ### bytes exhausted..." 
+5.2 Verifying Components
+5.2.1 How can I tell if my Web server works?
+ 5.2.2 How can I tell if PHP works?
+ 5.2.3 How can I tell if Horde and PHPlib work?
+ 5.2.4 How can I tell if my IMAP server works?
+ 5.2.5 How can I tell if my database works? 
+5.3 Troubleshooting IMP 
+5.3.1 Attachments aren't showing up in IMP.
+ 5.3.2 IMP says that every message has an attachment.
+ 5.3.3 Part of the message header is ending up in the body of mail sent from IMP.
+ 5.3.4 In IMP, users can't use any folders besides INBOX.
+ 5.3.5 Mail sent from IMP never actually gets sent.
+ 5.3.6 IMP's Compose window is annoyingly narrow.
+ 5.3.7 Over SSL, Netscape takes forever to load pages.
+ 5.3.8 Internet Explorer users can't access IMP over SSL.
+ 5.3.9 IMP logs me out for no apparent reason at all.
+ 5.3.10 Email sent from IMP is full of backslashes.
+ 5.3.11 After I read a message in IMP, it still shows as unread.
+ 5.3.12 Apache segfaults while I'm using Horde or its components.
+ 5.3.13 Messages sent from IMP have an Authentication-Warning: header added to them.
+ 5.3.14 After logging in successfully, everything just hangs until the IMAP server times out.
+ 5.3.15 Users are getting mail sent to "INVALID_ADDRESS at .SYNTAX.ERROR" or "MISSING_MAILBOX_TERMINATOR at .SYNTAX-ERROR.".
+ 5.3.16 When using IMP plus a POP3 client, users get FOLDER INTERNAL DATA messages.
+ 5.3.17 Users can't get at any folder other than INBOX with Cyrus or Courier imapd.
+ 5.3.18 IMP fails to add new attachments in the Compose window.
+ 5.3.19 IMP displays "There are no parts that can be displayed inline" for all my messages.
+5.4 Troubleshooting Turba
+5.4.1 When adding a new address from IMP I get an error that it is already in the address book.
+ 5.4.2 Why does Turba give the error "Undefined index: socket ..."
+ 5.4.3 Added attribute names not working with ldap
+ 5.4.4 LDAP queries empty after upgrading to Turba 1.2
+ 5.4.5 Notice: Undefined index: businesscategory 
+5.5 Troubleshooting Trean
+5.5.1 Can't save bookmarks or categories.
+5.6 Troubleshooting Chora
+5.6.1 Why do I get a 404, Object not found error when clicking on any cvsroot subdirectories?
+6. Miscellaneous 
+6.1 Who maintains this FAQ?
+ 6.2 Can I maintain a local copy of this FAQ?
+ 6.3 Where can I find this FAQ?
+ 6.4 How can I scale IMP to thousands of users?
+ 6.5 I want to contribute to Horde.
+ 6.6 Where did the names of the components come from?

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