[cvs] commit: wicked/docs CHANGES wicked/lib Page.php wicked/lib/Page AddPage.php StandardPage.php wicked/templates/edit create.inc

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri May 14 14:01:38 PDT 2004

chuck       2004/05/14 14:01:38 PDT

  Modified files:
    docs                 CHANGES 
    lib                  Page.php 
    lib/Page             StandardPage.php 
  Added files:
    lib/Page             AddPage.php 
    templates/edit       create.inc 
  [cjh] A parameter of autocreate=1 must now be passed to display.php
  for pages that don't exist to be created automatically. This
  is done by default for "?" links, but for external incoming
  links and results of the top left jump box, users will get
  a form that allows them to confirm creation of the new page.
  This will hopefully help with re-creation of deleted pages following CVS commit
  mails, among other things.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.16      +5 -0      wicked/docs/CHANGES
  1.37      +28 -5     wicked/lib/Page.php
  1.1       +62 -0     wicked/lib/Page/AddPage.php (new)
  1.37      +3 -3      wicked/lib/Page/StandardPage.php
  1.1       +20 -0     wicked/templates/edit/create.inc (new)

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