[cvs] commit: framework/DataTree DataTree.php framework/DataTree/DataTree sql.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun Jun 13 18:10:42 PDT 2004

chuck       2004-06-13 18:10:42 PDT

  Modified files:
    DataTree             DataTree.php 
    DataTree/DataTree    sql.php 
  - Fix pulling of names from already loaded parents.
  - Need to always load the direct parents of an object. Might be able to be smarter about this,
  but we'd need to be able to load data on the fly in getName(), etc.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.119     +4 -4      framework/DataTree/DataTree.php
  1.127     +15 -7     framework/DataTree/DataTree/sql.php

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