[cvs] [Wiki] changed: ThemesForDesigners

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Aug 15 10:16:26 PDT 2004

jan  Sun, 15 Aug 2004 10:16:25 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/display.php?page=ThemesForDesigners
New Revision:  1.3

@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 ++ Requirements
 +++ Everything Can Be Done By Editing XHTML Pages
-This is what designers know how to do, so this is how designers will do it.  The idea is that the designer can download a "blank" theme, which is a zip file with the full set of XHTML blanks in it, use DreamWeaver or whatever tools the designer generally works with, package the files back up, and upload the new theme.
+This is what designers know how to do, so this is how designers will do it.  The idea is that the designer can download a "blank" theme, which is a zip file with the full set of XHTML blanks in it, use !DreamWeaver or whatever tools the designer generally works with, package the files back up, and upload the new theme.
 +++ Image-Scaling Hooks For Applications
 Applications will need to be able to respond to a new theme so that they can scale their images to fit the templates.  Most applications probably will not need to do this, but one requirement for our client is an online product catalog with customizable layout and image sizes.

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