[cvs] commit: horde index.php horde/templates/index frames_index.inc

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 5 01:52:47 PST 2005

jan         2005-01-05 01:52:47 PST

  Modified files:
    .                    index.php 
    templates/index      frames_index.inc 
  Avoid double encoded parameters. This fixes double sidebars after logins if
  not using cookies. URLs passed in with the 'url' parameter, that contain
  ampersands or other characters that get encoded are still broken.
  Bug: 1076
  Revision  Changes    Path
  2.107     +1 -2      horde/index.php
  2.39      +2 -2      horde/templates/index/frames_index.inc

  Chora Links:

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