[cvs] commit: framework/Text_Flowed Flowed.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at curecanti.org
Mon Feb 7 21:34:22 PST 2005

slusarz     2005-02-07 21:34:22 PST

  Modified files:
    Text_Flowed          Flowed.php 
  Actually, looks like we always need mb_ereg() here if it exists; since 'flowed'
  format is designed to increase human readability, we are always dealing in
  terms of "characters" per line rather than "bytes" per line.
  We will let our MIME wrapping functions elsewhere deal with the RFC line length constraints needed for mailing, etc.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.19      +11 -13    framework/Text_Flowed/Flowed.php

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