[cvs] [Wiki] changed: FAQ/Admin/Config
Jan Schneider
jan at horde.org
Sun May 22 04:13:52 PDT 2005
jan Sun, 22 May 2005 04:13:52 -0700
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/display.php?page=FAQ%2FAdmin%2FConfig
New Revision: 1.2
@@ -112,5 +112,159 @@
<code type="php">
$conf['cookie']['path'] = '/';
+++++ How can I change the appearance?
+**[Horde 1.2]:** To change the basic look and feel of components based on Horde 1.2, change the settings in {{/horde/config/html.php3}} and in {{/horde/componentname/config/html.php3}}. The settings for various colours, fonts, logos, and screen elements sizes are found within, with explanatory variable names.
+**[Horde 2.0]:** For Horde 2.x and its components, configure the settings in {{/horde/config/html.php}} and in {{/horde/componentname/config/html.php}}. The settings for various colours, fonts, and styles are found within, with explanatory comments and variable names.
+**[Horde 1.2]:** In Horde 1.2, you can also add items to the bottom of the left-hand menu by adding them to /horde/config/menu.txt. This entry:
+http://www.example.com/<Our Website>logo.gif
+would make a menu item entitled "Our Website", place {{/horde/graphics/logo.gif}} beside it, and link it to {{``http://www.example.com/``}}.
+Similar functionality is available on a Horde 1.2 component-to-component basis to add items to the top of the left-hand menu. Add your entries in {{/horde/componentname/config/menu.txt}}, and using the component's graphics directory.
+**[Horde 2.0]:** In Horde 2.x, you can add Horde modules to the bottom Horde navigation bar by modifying {{/horde/config/registry.php}}. This is not as easy or flexible as the Horde 1.x method above.
+You can modify most Horde 2.x components' navigation bars (at the top of screen) by similarly modifying the {{/horde/componentname/config/menu.php}} file. Follow the instructions in the comments found in the file. This provides a very easy way to add links to the various Horde component navigation menus.
+++++ How can I change the phrases used for various features?
+You may wish to alter some of the text in an existing language -- to match the terminology used locally, for instance.
+**[Horde 1.2]:** In Horde 1.2, you need only find the text in question in the locale directory for the language in question and alter it there. For instance, if you want the Horde sign up form to read "Welcome to Foo" instead of "Welcome to Horde", you would change the {{$lang->welcome_to_horde}} variable in {{/horde/locale/en/signup.lang}} to your phrase. Similar functionality can be found in the {{locale/}} directory of Horde components.
+**[Horde 2.x]:** In Horde 2.x, you change strings by changing them in the locale files for the desired language(s). To change the US English translation, you will need to create a new US English (en_US) locale, as one normally does not exist, and modify the translations in that file. See the following FAQ entry for information on creating a new locale file.
+To change the translation for a locale, you must first change the locale files and then recompile them. Find the appropriate files in {{/horde/po/}}, named by the locale name. Edit the translation(s) in this file to suite your needs. Then compile the locale files using the provided Makefile. For Horde 2.x components, follow the same steps using the {{/horde/componentname/po}} files.
+If you are having difficulty finding the file which contains the phrase you want to change, the following Unix command may be of assistance:
+find horde/ -type f -exec grep -li 'Your Phrase' {} \;
+where {{horde/}} is the root directory of your Horde installation.
+Note: The following question may also be of help to you if you are changing the locale files.
+++++ How can I provide another translation for Horde/IMP's messages?
+**[Horde 1.2]:** If you want to provide an entirely new language translation for Horde or one of its components, in Horde 1.x:
+# Find the two-letter ISO [http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm country code] for your language.
+# Copy the contents of {{locale/en/}} for your component to {{locale///yourcountrycode///}}. (Or, if you are more familiar with a language already provided other than English, copy that instead, since you will be using that translation to base yours upon.)
+# In each file within the directory you just created, replace the English (etc.) text with the equivalent text in your language.
+# Add your language to {{config/lang.php3}} for Horde or the component you changed.
+# Mail your new translation to [mailto:i18n at lists.horde.org the developers] so that we can include it in the distribution!
+**[Horde 2.x]:** Horde 2.x uses GNU gettext for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n). See {{horde/po/README}} for more information. (Since Horde 2.2 this information is instead located at {{[http://www.horde.org/horde/docs/?f=TRANSLATIONS.html horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS]}})
+To create a new translation:
+# Go to the {{horde/po}} directory (for other components go to {{horde/componentname/po}})
+# run {{xgettext.sh}} to generate a {{messages.po}} file
+# rename the {{messages.po}} file base on the language you are using. For example, for Dutch (nl_NL) you would rename the file to {{nl_NL.po}}
+# Adjust the header lines (dates, authors, etc) of the file, and remove the first **#, fuzzy** line
+# Translate the text in the //msgid// lines into the appropriate //msgstr// lines.
+# Compile the new file using the included makefile ({{make install}})
+# If the language does not already exist in {{horde/config/lang.php}} add any required entries for it in that file. You may want to add a two-letter alias for the language, and if it uses a non-ascii character set you should define that also in the {{$nls['charsets']}} array.
+# Mail your new translation to [mailto:i18n at lists.horde.org the developers] so that we can include it in the distribution!
+++++ How do I let users report problems directly from Horde?
+Horde comes with a problem-reporting form.
+**[Horde 1.2]:** To enable it in Horde 1.2, make the following configuration changes to Horde in {{/horde/config/horde.php3}}:
+<code type="php">
+$default->problem_email = 'your problem-report email address';
+$default->problem_reporting = true;
+and users will be presented with a 'Problem?' menu item which leads to a problem-report form.
+**[Horde 2.0]:** In Horde 2.0, configure it in {{/horde/config/horde.php}} by modifying the following lines:
+<code type="php">
+// Should we display a problem reporting link in Horde application
+// menus?
+$conf['problems']['enabled'] = false;
+// If so, where should problem report emails be sent?
+$conf['problems']['email'] = 'postmaster at example.com';
+Set the first flag to //true// and then modify the email address to be the address where you want the problem report sent.
+++++ Can I use PHP's safe_mode with Horde?
+**[Horde 2.0]:** PHP's safe_mode is not officially supported for Horde 2.x. Many have tried to use it, and have reported various levels of success. To run in safe_mode you will need to modify the PHP safe_mode settings. You may also have to change some code in Horde or other Horde components in order to make things work properly. Some of the known issues are not being able to set php maximum execution time, problems with spell checking, not being able to use Sendmail (without modifying the php safe_mode configuration), and problems with any sort of file uploads (adding attachments in IMP, file uploads in gollem, etc).
+If you run the Apache web server with virtual hosts and with PHP's safe_mode enabled by default, you can use the Apache PHP4 module configuration command //php_admin_value// in your main Apache configuration file to remove safe_mode for the Horde virtual host. For example:
+<VirtualHost ...>
+ <Directory ...>
+ ....
+ <IfModule mod_php4.c>
+ php_admin_value safe_mode Off
+ ...
+ </IfModule>
+ ...
+ </Directory>
+ ...
+++++ How can I add a graphic or banner to every page?
+**[Horde 2.0]:** You can add content to the top of every page in a horde component by adding appropriate code to the file {{templates/common-header.inc}} for that component. You can add content to the bottom of every page in a horde component by adding appropriate code to the file {{templates/common-footer.inc}} for that component.
+++++ Why do old preference values overrule newly locked preference values?
+**[Horde 2.0]:** Any user preferences already set and stored in the preference storage container will overrule any newly locked preferences that may be set by the administrator.
+Thus if users select and save their own values for an unlocked preference, and then the administrator decides to lock that preference value, any previously set user values would overrule the new locked value set by the administrator.
+Therefore, if when locking a preference for which users have already set values you wish that all users conform to the new locked setting, you must empty out the stored preference values in the preference storage container for all users.
+++++ How do I deactivate the username/password saving feature at the login screen?
+This is a function of some web browsers called //!AutoComplete//. It can be disabled in the browser or via the html code on the server. Horde does not currently disable this via html code as the method for doing so is not XHTML 1.0 compliant.
+This is best done by disabling the feature in your web browser. How to do this depends on your browser. See the documentation for your browser for information on how to accomplish this.
+Some browsers let you selectively erase your !AutoComplete data. How to do this would vary depending on your browser. For example, in Microsoft's Internet Explorer you can use the following sequence to erase all your stored autocomplete data: From the menu bar at the top of your browser, choose: Tools -> Internet Options -> Content Tab -> !AutoComplete Button -> Clear Forms.
+You can also selectively delete individual items. For example, in Internet Explorer, while the cursor is in a form element, put in at least one letter so that the !AutoComplete responses are made visible. Using your arrow keys, scroll down to highlight the response you want to erase. Push the //Delete// key on your keyboard.
+If you wish to disable this for your site, you can do so by modifying the html code. This may make upgrading your installation more difficult, so think twice about this before doing it.
+You can edit the source code for the login form and add autocomplete="off" to the form to disable autocomplete for all fields in the form. For example:
+<form method="post" action="/path" autocomplete="off">
+You can also use the attribute in individual form fields to disable autocomplete only for that field. For example:
+Password: <input type="password" name="pass" autocomplete="off" />
+You can also disable it in a form, and then enable it for certain fields in a form, or vice versa, by using the above techniques and setting the //autocomplete// attribute to "on" or "off" where desired.
+++++ I've just installed Horde, how do I log in or create users?
+**[Horde 2.0]:** Horde is very flexible in how it can authenticate users, allowing for many different types of authentication. Because of this, there is no single answer for how you authenticate users; the answer will depend on your particular setup and needs.
+In most cases, you will want to use an existing user database. If not, you will need to create a new user database of some sort on your own.
+Once you know what type of user database you want to use, you must configure Horde and possibly some other Horde applications (like IMP, gollem, etc) to use that authentication source. For Horde, you do this in the files {{horde/config/horde.php}} and {{horde/config/registry.php}}. If you choose to use IMP to authenticate users (e.g. by having IMP log into the IMAP or POP3 server) you must configure {{horde/imp/config/servers.php}} appropriately also.
+Note: the **admin** user which is sometimes referred to in the mailing lists **ONLY** applies to the latest development version (CVS HEAD version) and **IS NOT** available in the release versions.
+Some special notes for some of the authentication methods are:
+* If using the sql backend with the {{horde_users}} table, the password must be in md5() format (and not the !MySQL password() format, for example).
+* CVS HEAD versions provide a script {{horde/scripts/db/auth_initial_user.sql}} which will create an initial admin user for sql authentication. This can be used to login and configure the system. If you use this, be sure to change it as soon as possible so it does not become a security risk.
+* If using IMAP authentication, see the comments in {{horde/imp/config/servers.php}} for options you may need to specify.
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