[cvs] [Wiki] changed: ResourceLocking
Wiki Guest
wiki at wiki.horde.org
Fri Jun 24 06:14:37 PDT 2005
guest [] Fri, 24 Jun 2005 06:14:37 -0700
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/ResourceLocking
New Revision: 1.5
Change log: add TODO, timeline (only past) and correct some formating
@@ -3,24 +3,23 @@
+++ The idea
-> [http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/Week-of-Mon-20050606/018056.html I noticed] that there is currently no way horde can tell you that anyone is already editing an item when you > try to edit an item (notes, wiki, etc). [http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/Week-of-Mon-20050404/017589.html Kevin Myer] asked the same question a few weeks ako on the dev list, > but none is working on this. So I decided to solve this problem.
+> [http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/Week-of-Mon-20050606/018056.html I noticed] that there is currently no way horde can tell you that anyone is already editing an item when you try to edit an item (notes, wiki, etc). [http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/Week-of-Mon-20050404/017589.html Kevin Myer] asked the same question a few weeks ako on the dev list, but none is working on this. So I decided to solve this problem.
+++ Two ways
-> There are (a least) two ways this can be done.
+> There are (a least) two ways how this can be done. **Locking** The easy one is to lock an item for a certain time when someone starts to edit it. If someone else tryes to edit it, horde will deny this and tell him / her to wait. The contra of this is that only one person can edit one item at one time (not very good for a groupware). **Try to merge** The better way would be that horde tryes to merge the changes, similar to cvs. If changes cannot be merged, horde will tell the user. I think this is what I'll try.
-++++ Locking
++++ TODO
-> The easy one is to lock an item for a certain time when someone starts to edit it. If someone else tryes to edit it, horde will deny this and tell him / her to wait. The contra of this is > that only one person can edit one item at one time.
+* write Text_Patch to use diff's from Text_Diff
+* write Horde_Resource_Locking to to get, set, delete and purge locks (backend will be datatree)
+* add Method to merge Data
+* do test implementaion in nag
-++++ Try to merge
-> The better way would that horde tryes to merge the changes, similar to cvs. If changes cannot be merged, horde will tell the user. Maybe I can use the form validation for this.
-+++ Roadmap and timeline
-> Ther is timeline for this project yet. Since I haven't done any development for horde yet, I need to read a lot of code first.
++++ Timeline
+* June, 06th 2005 Idea for this project
+* June, 25th 2005 add TODO, start coding
+++ Contact
> Martin Lohmeier <martin AT mein-horde.de>
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