[cvs] [Wiki] changed: HowTo

Wiki Guest wiki at wiki.horde.org
Thu Aug 18 13:21:32 PDT 2005

guest []  Thu, 18 Aug 2005 13:21:32 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HowTo
New Revision:  84.8
Change log:  Move Development section to the developer documentation

@@ -23,15 +23,8 @@
 * [QuickDatabase Script for creating database]
 * [CustomizeMenu Customizing menus]
 * [HermesAddressBook Create a separate address book for use by Hermes]
 * [ImpUWIMAPNamespaces Tips on configuring UW-IMAP namespaces for use with IMP 4.1+]
-+++ Development
-* ((Doc/Dev/NewApp|Creating your own module))
-* [MIMEHowTo Using the MIME API to create or parse MIME messages]
-* [ThemesHowTo Creating new themes]
-* [ModifyingHordeAspect Understanding and changing the layout]
-* [PermHowTo Using the extensible permissions API]
 +++ Advanced Features
 * [SyncHowTo Syncing a PDA/Outlook with Horde]
 * [WSDLHowTo Using the  SOAP/WSDL interface to access the Horde/Module API]

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