[cvs] commit: framework/RPC/RPC syncml.php syncml_wbxml.php

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Wed Sep 21 13:43:45 PDT 2005

karsten     2005-09-21 13:43:45 PDT

  Modified files:
    RPC/RPC              syncml.php syncml_wbxml.php 
  Modifications to match new XML_WBXML package: we now directly deal
  with wbxml using appropriate contenthandlers. So calling the XML parser
  is no longer required for wbxml. Should be a nice speedup.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.25      +2 -1      framework/RPC/RPC/syncml.php
  1.15      +26 -14    framework/RPC/RPC/syncml_wbxml.php

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