[cvs] [Wiki] created: SummerOfCode2006

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Apr 18 21:32:35 PDT 2006

chuck  Tue, 18 Apr 2006 21:32:35 -0700

Created page: https://dev.horde.org/horde/wicked/SummerOfCode2006


+ Google Summer of Code 2006

Google is running their great Summer of Code (http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html) program again this year, and Horde is again a mentoring organization. This page is a guide to participating with Horde, and the place to collect ideas for projects. It is mainly for those with project ideas and those interested in participating as a student. If you'd like to help out by mentoring, send a note to Horde's mentor coordinator, Chuck Hagenbuch (chuck at horde dot org).

++ Guidelines for students

The ideas listed on this page are just that - ideas. They are deliberately somewhat vague, because you are meant to fill in the details. Last year there were too many proposals that simply cut-n-pasted the text from our ideas page. ''Don't do that!'' If you do, you will be tossed out very early in the application sorting process.

+++ Do I have to use one of the ideas?

Definitely not! These are here to get you started, and because some folks think it'd be great to see them done. If you have your own idea, run with it. We'll judge applications on their strengths, not on who wants the project done or who thought of it.

+++ I want to use an idea, but need more detail

Send a note to the Horde development mailing list (http://horde.org/mail/ for information and subscription instructions). We'll be happy to give you feedback and to help you develop your idea. Again, don't just cut-n-paste if you're not sure what else to say - spend the time to have a dialog with us to flesh it out. We promise you'll get as much out of any pa reparatory work as you put into it.

++ Project ideas

Finally, here are the ideas.

+++ Horde SSL Certificate Authority

Develop a Horde application for managing SSL certificates. Possible functionality includes managing server certificates (for https, imaps, etc.) for administrators, and also allowing users to create end-user certificates for authentication and mail signing. For a bonus, integrate the user certificates with IMP to create a complete PPK management app.

+++ Horde Bootable CD

Develop a bootable CD (perhaps based on http://www.knoppix.org/) that will load an entire Horde installation, complete with mail server, database, etc. Options include an install option as well as just booting, and integration with a Horde Installer.

+++ Horde Installer

Make the main Horde applications installable ''and updatable'' by a PEAR or similar installation system. They should be delivered via a Horde channel server (if using PEAR), and the whole package should include post-install scripts to do all necessary configuration steps, including for the database.

+++ Horde Form Ajax Continuation

Follow up on last year's Horde_Form project (currently available in the incubator - http://cvs.horde.org/incubator/Horde_Form/). Update the code to use Prototype and Scriptaculous for the scripting basis, sync with the current Horde_Form code, and go from there. The ability to have any form switch between active and inactive rendered mode - optionally on a field-by-field basis - using in-place-edit functionality would be very slick.

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