[cvs] [Wiki] changed: SummerOfCode2006

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon May 1 21:21:56 PDT 2006

chuck  Mon, 01 May 2006 21:21:56 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/SummerOfCode2006
New Revision:  1.14
Change log:  add some student requirements

@@ -6,8 +6,16 @@
 ++ Guidelines for students
 The ideas listed on this page are just that - ideas. They are deliberately somewhat vague, because you are meant to fill in the details. Last year there were too many proposals that simply cut-n-pasted the text from our ideas page. ''Don't do that!'' If you do, you will be tossed out very early in the application sorting process.
++++ What requirements are there?
+The Student Faq (http://code.google.com/soc/studentfaq.html) is your first stop for requirements. In addition to what Google says, Horde would like the following from applicants (credit goes to the Drupal folks for their nice writeups - http://drupal.org/node/59963 and http://drupal.org/node/59037):
+# This should be your main activity for the summer. If you expect to do a Summer of Code project while holding down a full time job, we respectfully disagree with your optimism.
+# You will be working in the Horde CVS repository. This means learning to use CVS, and learning it at the beginning of your project. It is not a last-minute thing.
+# You should expect to correspond with your mentor at least weekly. Less, and we'll wonder if you've fallen into something.
 +++ Do I have to use one of the ideas?
 Definitely not! These are here to get you started, and because some folks think it'd be great to see them done. If you have your own idea, run with it. We'll judge applications on their strengths, not on who wants the project done or who thought of it.

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