[cvs] [Wiki] changed: SandBox
Wiki Guest
wikiguest at horde.org
Wed May 3 14:08:26 PDT 2006
guest [] Wed, 03 May 2006 14:08:26 -0700
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/SandBox
New Revision: 17.31
Change log: test2
@@ -2,5 +2,246 @@
For reference, you might want to visit HowToUseWiki, WickedTextFormat or AddingPages.
-Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
+//emphasis text// emphasis text
+**strong text** strong text
+//**emphasis and strong**// emphasis and strong
+{{teletype text}} teletype text
+@@--- delete text +++ insert text @@ delete text insert text
+@@--- delete only @@ delete only
+@@+++ insert only @@ insert only
+##red|red text## red text
+##FFFF00|yellow text## yellow text
+Literal Text
+This //text// gets **parsed**.
+``This //text// does not get **parsed**.``
+This text gets parsed.
+This //text// does not get **parsed**.
++++ Level 3 Heading
+++++ Level 4 Heading
++++++ Level 5 Heading
+++++++ Level 6 Heading
+Level 3 Heading
+Level 4 Heading
+Level 5 Heading
+Level 6 Heading
+Table of Contents
+Horizontal Rules
+Use four dashes (----) to create a horizontal rule.
+Bullet Lists
+You can create bullet lists by starting a paragraph with one or more asterisks.
+* Bullet one
+ * Sub-bullet
+ * Bullet one
+ o Sub-bullet
+Numbered Lists
+Similarly, you can create numbered lists by starting a paragraph with one or more hashes.
+# Numero uno
+# Number two
+ # Sub-item
+ 1. Numero uno
+ 2. Number two
+ 1. Sub-item
+Mixing Bullet and Number List Items
+You can mix and match bullet and number lists:
+# Number one
+ * Bullet
+ * Bullet
+# Number two
+ * Bullet
+ * Bullet
+ * Sub-bullet
+ # Sub-sub-number
+ # Sub-sub-number
+# Number three
+ * Bullet
+ * Bullet
+Definition Lists
+You can create a definition (description) list with the following syntax:
+: Item 1 : Something
+: Item 2 : Something else
+Item 1
+ Something
+Item 2
+ Something else
+Block Quotes
+You can mark a blockquote by starting a line with one or more '>' characters, followed by a space and the text to be quoted.
+This is normal text here.
+> Indent me! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
+Now this the time for all good men to come to the aid of
+their country. Notice how we can continue the block-quote
+in the same "paragraph" by using a backslash at the end of
+the line.
+> Another block, leading to...
+>> Second level of indenting. This second is indented even
+more than the previous one.
+Back to normal text.
+This is normal text here.
+ Indent me! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Now this the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Notice how we can continue the block-quote in the same "paragraph" by using a backslash at the end of the line.
+ Another block, leading to...
+ Second level of indenting. This second is indented even more than the previous one.
+Back to normal text.
+Links and Images
+Wiki Links
+SmashWordsTogether to create a page link.
+You can force a WikiPage name not to be clickable by putting an exclamation mark in front of it.
+WikiPage !WikiPage
+WikiPage WikiPage
+You can create a "described" or "labeled" link to a wiki page by putting the page name in brackets, followed by some text.
+[WikiPage Descriptive text for the link.]
+Descriptive text for the link.
+ Note: existing wiki pages must be in the wikilink pages configuration, and the wikilink view_url configuration value must be set for the linking to work.
+Interwiki Links
+Interwiki links are links to pages on other Wiki sites. Type the SiteName:PageName like this:
+ * MeatBall:RecentChanges
+ * Advogato:proj/WikkiTikkiTavi
+ * Wiki:WorseIsBetter
+ Note: the interwiki site must be in the interwiki sites configuration array.
+Create a remote link simply by typing its URL: http://ciaweb.net.
+If you like, enclose it in brackets to create a numbered reference and avoid cluttering the page; [http://ciaweb.net/free/] becomes 1.
+Or you can have a described-reference instead of a numbered reference:
+[http://pear.php.net PEAR]
+On-Page Links
+Create and anchor on the page by [[# anchorName nice anchor text]] nice anchor text and refer to it by #anchorName #anchorName, or [#anchorName use normal link renaming] [#anchorName use normal link renaming].
+You can put a picture in a page with [[image foo.jpg]]. You can use any file type, but most browsers only support GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats. The filename can either be a relative reference (in which case the wiki looks for a file attached to the current page), an absolute reference which begins with a slash (in which case the wiki uses it to retrieve a file relative to the web server's root), or a full, external URL.
+Additonal attributes, such as "alt" can follow the image filename or URL like so: [[image foo.jpg alt="A Foo JPEG"]]. "link" is a special attribute which makes the image a link to the specified URL.
+Code Blocks
+Create code blocks by using <code>...</code> tags (each on its own line).
+This is an example code block!
+To create PHP blocks that get automatically colorized when you use PHP tags, simply surround the code with <code type="php">...</code> tags (the tags themselves should each be on their own lines, and no need for the <?php ... ?> tags).
+ <code type="php">
+ // Set up the wiki options
+ $options = array();
+ $options['view_url'] = "index.php?page=";
+ // load the text for the requested page
+ $text = implode('', file($page . '.wiki.txt'));
+ // create a Wiki objext with the loaded options
+ $wiki = new Text_Wiki($options);
+ // transform the wiki text.
+ echo $wiki->transform($text);
+ </code>
+// Set up the wiki options
+$options = array();
+$options['view_url'] = "index.php?page=";
+// load the text for the requested page
+$text = implode('', file($page . '.wiki.txt'));
+// create a Wiki objext with the loaded options
+$wiki = new Text_Wiki($options);
+// transform the wiki text.
+echo $wiki->transform($text);
+You can create tables using pairs of vertical bars:
+||~ Heading one ||~ Heading two ||
+|| cell one || cell two ||
+|||| big ol' line ||
+|| cell four || cell five ||
+|| cell six || here's a very long cell ||
+Heading one Heading two
+cell one cell two
+big ol' line
+cell four cell five
+cell six here's a very long cell
+|| lines must start and end || with double vertical bars || nothing ||
+|| cells are separated by || double vertical bars || nothing ||
+|||| you can span multiple columns by || starting each cell ||
+|| with extra cell |||| separators ||
+|||||| but perhaps an example is the easiest way to see ||
+lines must start and end with double vertical bars nothing
+cells are separated by double vertical bars nothing
+you can span multiple columns by starting each cell
+with extra cell separators
+but perhaps an example is the easiest way to see
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