[cvs] commit: imp/templates/message navbar_actions.html imp/themes screen.css

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed May 3 22:17:12 PDT 2006

chuck       2006-05-03 22:17:12 PDT

  Modified files:
    templates/message    navbar_actions.html 
    themes               screen.css 
  okay, this version gets the pipes (|) out of the template, since
  that's look & feel stuff anyway, tweaks a few more things, and unless
  I'm still going raving mad, works with Safari, IE, and FF.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  2.8       +13 -13    imp/templates/message/navbar_actions.html
  1.43      +7 -2      imp/themes/screen.css

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