[cvs] [Wiki] changed: HordeGPO

Ben Chavet ben at horde.org
Wed May 17 20:39:14 PDT 2006

ben  Wed, 17 May 2006 20:39:12 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HordeGPO
New Revision:  1.6
Change log:  new storage ideas

@@ -51,8 +51,44 @@
 **horde_gpo** table: {{HGPO_ID, HGPO_name, HGPO_overridable}}
 **horde_gpo_targets** table: {{HGPO_ID, target_type, target}}
 * link horde_gpo::HGPO_ID to horde_prefs::HGPO to get a list of prefs belonging to a given HGPO.
+++ Storage
+In order to make Horde Policies as generic as possible, it's probably best to specify a new backend for them.  Then we can write policy drivers for the various parts of Horde that might use them, such as Prefs.
+I'm a big fan of the Datatree structure, slightly simplified, to hold the Policy information.  The DataTree itself has proved not to scale very well, but I think by removing a few unneeded fields (for this application, at least), we can reduce the number of JOIN statements, and it should scale just fine.  Another thing to think about is how many Horde Policies is a given site going to have?  Probably no more than a handful on average.
+Anyway, here's a new table structure idea:
+target_type  <-- maybe
 ++ Cache

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