[cvs] [Wiki] changed: HordePolicy

Ben Chavet ben at horde.org
Wed May 24 14:20:22 PDT 2006

ben  Wed, 24 May 2006 14:20:22 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HordePolicy
New Revision:  1.22
Change log:  some notes, so I don't have to carry my notebook home from work.

@@ -167,4 +167,19 @@
 > backend configurations (sieve servers, etc.) using this system, that
 > would be even better.
 Yes!  We could put IMAP server configs, etc. in a GPO and assign to targets as necessary.  Same way that printers can be assigned in an active directory.  "group A uses this IMAP server, group B uses this other IMAP server, group C gets to specify their own IMAP server." The possibilities are endless! I love it!
+**Horde_Policy** - name(sql), settings(xml), targets(sql)
+**Horde_Policy_Target** - target(sql)
+**Horde_Policy_Setting**(xml) - name, desc, attributes
+* Setting status can be stored in an attribute
+* Extend Horde_Policy_Attribute to allow other Horde_Policy_Settings in the attributes list.
+**Horde_Policy_Attribute** - name(sql), type(xml), value(sql), hook(sql)
+* by incorporating a "type" in the xml, we can store a serialized array for dynamic lists (ie, IMAP servers).

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