[cvs] commit: vilma/config conf.xml vilma/lib/MailboxDriver hooks.php qmailldap.php

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Sat Jul 15 19:47:26 PDT 2006

bklang      2006-07-15 19:47:26 PDT

  Modified files:
    config               conf.xml 
    lib/MailboxDriver    hooks.php 
  Removed files:
    lib/MailboxDriver    qmailldap.php 
  Removing the qmailldap MailboxDriver as it always returned true anyway.
  Altered the hooks driver to always return true.  In this way the hooks driver
  can also be used as a null driver.  For qmailldap, all functionality is handled
  by the Domain driver so it doesn't really need a dedicated MailboxDriver.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.18      +1 -30     vilma/config/conf.xml
  1.2       +0 -82     vilma/lib/MailboxDriver/Attic/qmailldap.php (dead)
  1.2       +4 -4      vilma/lib/MailboxDriver/hooks.php

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