[cvs] [Wiki] changed: TurbaOutlook2003
Ben Chavet
ben at horde.org
Thu Aug 24 08:12:42 PDT 2006
ben Thu, 24 Aug 2006 08:12:42 -0700
Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/TurbaOutlook2003
New Revision: 1.1
Change log: added sources.php changes
@@ -376,7 +376,112 @@
++ Modifying sources.php
+//turba/config/sources.php// is the file that tells Turba which sources to use, and gives it all of the parameters for that source, such as what fields from //attributes.php// are used.
+Use the following for your sql source's //'map'// parameter:
+ 'map' => array(
+ '__key' => 'object_id',
+ '__owner' => 'owner_id',
+ '__type' => 'object_type',
+ '__members' => 'object_members',
+ '__uid' => 'object_uid',
+ 'name' => array('fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname'),
+ 'format' => '%s %s'),
+ 'title' => 'object_title',
+ 'firstname' => 'object_firstname',
+ 'middlename' => 'object_middlename',
+ 'lastname' => 'object_lastname',
+ 'suffix' => 'object_suffix',
+ 'company' => 'object_company',
+ 'department' => 'object_department',
+ 'jobtitle' => 'object_jobtitle',
+ 'workStreet' => 'object_workstreet',
+ 'workStreet2' => 'object_workstreet2',
+ 'workStreet3' => 'object_workstreet3',
+ 'workCity' => 'object_workcity',
+ 'workProvince' => 'object_workprovince',
+ 'workPostalCode' => 'object_workpostalcode',
+ 'workCountry' => 'object_workcountry',
+ 'workAddress' => array('fields' => array('workStreet', 'workStreet2', 'workStreet3', 'workCity', 'workProvince', 'workPostalCode'),
+ 'format' => "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s"),
+ 'homeStreet' => 'object_homestreet',
+ 'homeStreet2' => 'object_homestreet2',
+ 'homeStreet3' => 'object_homestreet3',
+ 'homeCity' => 'object_homecity',
+ 'homeProvince' => 'object_homeprovince',
+ 'homePostalCode' => 'object_homepostalcode',
+ 'homeCountry' => 'object_homecountry',
+ 'homeAddress' => array('fields' => array('homeStreet', 'homeStreet2', 'homeStreet3', 'homeCity', 'homeProvince', 'homePostalCode'),
+ 'format' => "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s"),
+ 'otherStreet' => 'object_otherstreet',
+ 'otherStreet2' => 'object_otherstreet2',
+ 'otherStreet3' => 'object_otherstreet3',
+ 'otherCity' => 'object_othercity',
+ 'otherProvince' => 'object_otherprovince',
+ 'otherPostalCode' => 'object_otherpostalcode',
+ 'otherCountry' => 'object_othercountry',
+ 'otherAddress' => array('fields' => array('otherStreet', 'otherStreet2', 'otherStreet3', 'otherCity', 'otherProvince', 'otherPostalCode'),
+ 'format' => "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s"),
+ 'assistantPhone' => 'object_assistantphone',
+ 'workFax' => 'object_workfax',
+ 'workPhone' => 'object_workphone',
+ 'workPhone2' => 'object_workphone2',
+ 'callback' => 'object_callback',
+ 'carPhone' => 'object_carphone',
+ 'companyPhone' => 'object_companyphone',
+ 'homeFax' => 'object_homefax',
+ 'homePhone' => 'object_homephone',
+ 'homePhone2' => 'object_homephone2',
+ 'isdn' => 'object_isdn',
+ 'cellPhone' => 'object_cellphone',
+ 'otherFax' => 'object_otherfax',
+ 'otherPhone' => 'object_otherphone',
+ 'pager' => 'object_pager',
+ 'primaryPhone' => 'object_primaryphone',
+ 'radio' => 'object_radio',
+ 'tty/tdd' => 'object_ttytdd',
+ 'telex' => 'object_telex',
+ 'anniversary' => 'object_anniversary',
+ 'assistant' => 'object_assistant',
+ 'birthday' => 'object_birthday',
+ 'category' => 'object_category',
+ 'email' => 'object_email',
+ 'email2' => 'object_email2',
+ 'email3' => 'object_email3',
+ 'freebusyUrl' => 'object_freebusyurl',
+ 'manager' => 'object_manager',
+ 'notes' => 'object_notes',
+ 'office' => 'object_office',
+ 'profession' => 'object_profession',
+ 'spouse' => 'object_spouse',
+ 'website' => 'object_website',
+ 'alias' => 'object_alias',
+ 'nickname' => 'object_nickname',
+ 'pgpPublicKey' => 'object_pgppublickey',
+ 'smimePublicKey' => 'object_smimepublickey',
+ ),
+And, use the following for your sql source's //'tabs'// parameter. This is not included in the default //sources.php//, so you will have to add it.
+ 'tabs' => array(
+ 'General' => array('name', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'jobtitle', 'company', 'email', 'email2',
+ 'email3', 'alias', 'website', 'category'),
+ 'Phone Numbers' => array('primaryPhone', 'homePhone', 'homePhone2', 'homeFax', 'workPhone', 'workPhone2',
+ 'workFax', 'cellPhone', 'pager', 'assistantPhone', 'callback', 'carPhone',
+ 'companyPhone', 'isdn', 'otherPhone', 'otherFax', 'radio', 'telex', 'tty/tdd'),
+ 'Home Address' => array('homeStreet', 'homeStreet2', 'homeStreet3', 'homeCity', 'homeProvince', 'homePostalCode', 'homeCountry', 'homeAddress'),
+ 'Work Address' => array('workStreet', 'workStreet2', 'workStreet3', 'workCity', 'workProvince', 'workPostalCode', 'workCountry', 'workAddress'),
+ 'Other Address' => array('otherStreet', 'otherStreet2', 'otherStreet3', 'otherCity', 'otherProvince', 'otherPostalCode', 'otherCountry', 'otherAddress'),
+ 'Details' => array('department', 'office', 'profession', 'manager', 'assistant', 'nickname', 'title',
+ 'suffix', 'spouse', 'birthday', 'anniversary', 'freebusyUrl', 'notes'),
+ 'Certificates' => array('pgpPublicKey', 'smimePublicKey'),
+ ),
++ Preparing the database to use new fields
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