[cvs] commit: incubator/pigeon search.php incubator/pigeon/templates/search results.html

Ben Chavet ben at horde.org
Sun Sep 3 15:06:29 PDT 2006

ben         2006-09-03 15:06:29 PDT

  Modified files:
    pigeon               search.php 
    pigeon/templates/search results.html 
  Add attribute support to the search.  I need some help with the
  templates, though.  If someone more familiar with Horde_Template could
  take a look, I'd really appreciate it.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +13 -5     incubator/pigeon/search.php
  1.2       +11 -1     incubator/pigeon/templates/search/results.html

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