[cvs] [Wiki] created: HordeRDO

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Wed Sep 20 11:16:45 PDT 2006

mrubinsk  Wed, 20 Sep 2006 11:16:45 -0700

Created page: https://dev.horde.org/horde/wicked/HordeRDO

+++ Testing Horde_RDO_Query and relationships

Currently, processing a query with a relationship that has a filter on a field in the joined table fails. Adding the filter with $query->addTest() followed by $mapper->find() fails because the query is not built with any relationships defined in the Horde_RDO subclasses.  Trying to do this with $mapper->storage()->process() followed by $mapper->storage()->query() fails becuase the tables seem to be joined using each table's primary key instead of something like table1.foreignKey = table2.primaryKey.

I have attached some test files demonstrating what I'm trying to do along with a dump of the needed sql tables.

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