[cvs] [Wiki] changed: FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Sep 28 02:48:03 PDT 2006

jan  Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:48:03 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot
New Revision:  6.14
Change log:  More information on WSOD

@@ -10,17 +10,13 @@
  This error occurs when PHP is not compiled with gettext support. As of version Horde 2.0, PHP needs to be compiled with gettext support. Rebuild PHP with the {{--with-gettext}} option to {{configure}}, or if using RPM's install the php-gettext RPM. ({{_()}} is a synonym for {{gettext()}} in PHP.)
  +++ "Document contains no data"
  +++ A blank white screen appears
-The Netscape error message, "Document contains no data", only tells you that nothing was sent from the web server to the browser. In other words, something went quite wrong, yet you've no idea what.
+The browser error message, "Document contains no data", only tells you that nothing was sent from the web server to the browser. In other words, something went quite wrong, yet you've no idea what.
-In order to get an idea of what really happened, take a look in the web server's error log, in which more verbose errors should be found. There is a good chance that the error is caused by omitting IMAP support from PHP; you can check whether that is the case by examining your server configuration with a PHP script such as the following:
+In order to get an idea of what really happened, take a look in the web server's error log, in which more verbose errors should be found, at least if you properly configured [http://de2.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php error logging in your PHP setup].
-<code type="php">
-<?php phpinfo();
-Don't confuse PHP's IMAP support with Apache's {{mod_imap}}, which refers to image maps.
+Possible reasons could be a fatal PHP error, not being displayed to the browser (which is a good thing on production systems, but bad if you are trying to hunt down a problem)[http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php#ini.display-errors], or a segfaulting server process (happens most times in the [http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.imap.php c-client library] while using IMP). If you correctly configured your web server and PHP to log all errors, you should find more information in your web server's or PHP's log files, or whereever you log the errors (syslog etc.).
  +++ "Failed opening test.php for inclusion"
  The set_perms.sh script and some packaged distributions change the permissions on the {{test.php}} script so that it can't be run. This increases the security of your web server by not revealing to intruders information about how PHP is compiled/configured or what Horde applications are installed. To use the script while setting up Horde, add read permission for your web server to the script:

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