[cvs] commit: imp/lib/IMAP ACL.php imp/lib/IMAP/ACL rfc2086.php rfc4314.php

Matt Selsky selsky at columbia.edu
Tue Oct 3 17:49:37 PDT 2006

selsky      2006-10-03 17:49:37 PDT

  Modified files:
    lib/IMAP             ACL.php 
    lib/IMAP/ACL         rfc2086.php rfc4314.php 
  Fix BC:
  Add singleton() and factory() methods to IMP_IMAP_ACL to make sure
  IMP_IMAP_ACL drivers are loaded instead of IMAP_ACL drivers.
  Add getRightsTitles() to rfc2086/rfc4314 drivers since they inherit
  from IMAP_ACL subclasses and not IMP_IMAP_ACL subclasses.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +54 -1     imp/lib/IMAP/ACL.php
  1.2       +18 -1     imp/lib/IMAP/ACL/rfc2086.php
  1.2       +18 -1     imp/lib/IMAP/ACL/rfc4314.php

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