[cvs] commit: horde/docs CHANGES framework/IMAP/IMAP/ACL rfc2086.php

Matt Selsky selsky at columbia.edu
Tue Oct 10 00:44:31 PDT 2006

selsky      2006-10-10 00:44:31 PDT

  Modified files:
    docs                 CHANGES 
    IMAP/IMAP/ACL        rfc2086.php 
  [mas] Implement IMAP_ACL_rfc2086::canEdit() for cases when the user is
  asking about their own rights.
  The login code still needs to be re-factored.
  Bug: 4480
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.24      +122 -2    framework/IMAP/IMAP/ACL/rfc2086.php
  1.872     +2 -0      horde/docs/CHANGES

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