[cvs] [Wiki] changed: HordeGroupAPI

Ben Chavet ben at horde.org
Thu Dec 7 20:45:23 PST 2006

ben  Thu, 07 Dec 2006 20:45:22 -0800

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HordeGroupAPI
New Revision:  1.1
Change log:  update api ideas

@@ -24,50 +24,98 @@
  +++ Group
  ++++ newGroup($name, $parent = DATATREE_ROOT)
+##red|deprecated## -- in favor of using addGroup()
  ++++ getGroup($gid)
+##red|deprecated## -- no longer using group objects.
  ++++ getGroupById($gid)
+##red|deprecated## -- no longer using group objects.
  ++++ getGUID($group)
  ++++ addGroup($group)
+Add handlers for $name and $parent parameters from newGroup()
  ++++ updateGroup($group)
+##yellow|deprecated?## -- should we always update the backend?
  ++++ renameGroup($group, $newName)
  ++++ removeGroup($group, $force = false)
  ++++ getGroupName($gid)
  ++++ getGroupShortName($group)
+##red|deprecated## -- no need for short names...they're just confusing.
  ++++ getGroupId($group)
+##red|deprecated## -- no longer using group objects.
  ++++ exists($gid)
  ++++ getGroupParents($gid)
+##red|deprecated## -- in favor of always using flat lists.
  ++++ getGroupParent($gid)
+Add support to take over getGroupParentList()
  ++++ getGroupParentList($gid)
+##red|deprecated## -- in favor of getGroupParent()
  ++++ listGroups($refresh = false)
  ++++ listUsers($gid)
+Add support to take over listAllUsers()
  ++++ listAllUsers($gid)
+##red|deprecated## -- in favor of listUsers()
  ++++ getGroupMembership($user, $parentGroups = false)
  ++++ userIsInGroup($user, $gid, $subgroups = true)
  ++++ getLevel($gid)
-+++ !DatatreeObject_Group
+##yellow|deprecated## -- is this used?
+++++ addUser($username, $gid)
+##green|new function## -- no longer using group objects.
+Should be able to handle arrays for both parameters.
+++++ removeUser($username, $gid)
+##green|new function## -- no longer using group objects.
+Should be able to handle arrays for both parameters.
+++++ getAuditLog($gid)
+##yellow|new function## -- do we need this?
+++++ clearAuditLog($gid)
+##yellow|new function## -- do we need this?
++++ !DatatreeObject_Group (##red|deprecated##)
+All !DatatreeObject_Group functionality has been moved to Group (Horde_Groups) to eliminate OO overhead.
  ++++ setGroupOb(&$groupOb)
  ++++ getId()

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