[cvs] [Wiki] changed: HordeGroupAPI

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Mon Dec 11 09:19:41 PST 2006

bklang  Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:19:40 -0800

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/HordeGroupAPI
New Revision:  1.7
Change log:  add note on getGroupById()

@@ -107,8 +107,11 @@
  +++ @@--- getGroupById($gid) @@
  deprecated -- no longer using group objects.
+Note: This is used in a (small) number of places, most important among those is probably the Horde base API.  There are a couple methods, (
+addGroupPermissions(), removeGroupPermissions()) which use it.  This brings up a greater point: We probably want to have a way to allow external entities to interact with our groups via the API methods.  However this probably necessitates a way to look up group IDs (rather than requiring them to know our internal Group IDs).  I believe this method can be done correctly, but it does need to be better defined.  Today, the DataTree driver allows passing in a Groups object, an array, or a string.  The array is join()ed with ':' to produce a string which is used to look up the Group ID.  Whatever happens, we must be able to design method which does not have an ambiguous return value.
  +++ @@--- getGroupShortName($group) @@
  deprecated -- no need for short names...they're just confusing (K.I.S.S)

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