[cvs] [Wiki] created: Doc/Dev/TemplatePackage
Michael Slusarz
slusarz at horde.org
Fri Dec 15 09:14:03 PST 2006
slusarz Fri, 15 Dec 2006 09:14:02 -0800
Created page: http://wiki.horde.org/Doc/Dev/TemplatePackage
++ Documentation for the Horde_Template:: package present in Horde 3.2
+++ Setup
The absolute minimum to get in the required functions for Horde_Template to work:
<code type="php">require "Horde/String.php";
require "Horde/Util.php";
require "Horde/Template.php";
(You're probably better off installing Horde's {{base.php}} or {{core.php}} - although it will load the whole Horde core - rather than just the templating engine.)
To set up the template object:
<code type="php">$template = new Horde_Template([$basepath]);
If you want to fetch templates from a different base directory, then specify that directory in the optional {{$basepath}} argument.
You can proceed with feeding variables into the object (see below for examples).
Once you're done feeding in variables, you need to get your PHP code to output the resulting HTML, which you can do in either of the following ways.
If your template is in a local string, you can do the following:
<code type="php">echo $template->parse($template_code);
If your template is in a separate file, you should run this command:
<code type="php">echo $template->fetch($template_file);
**Note:** If you make the PHP script do any output of its own, outside of the Horde_Template:: system, it will appear in the output positioned relative to the position of the above {{fetch()}} call in the code.
+++ Simple Variables
<code type="php">// If in php-land you have a variable like:
// $foo = 'bar';
// Set it into your template using:
$template->set('foo', $foo);
foo value of <tag:foo />
** Note:** The {{<tag:... />}} has to be exactly like above, with one space between the foo and />. Any other variation and the value will not be parsed. Unparsed tags are silently removed from the output string.
+++ Arrays
<code type="php">// In php, build an array to pass to the templates
// $foo = array('apples', 'pears', 'peaches');
// To set in the template object
$template->set('foo', $foo);
many foo values:
<li><tag:foo />
** Note:** Use a loop tag to go through all foo array elements to pull out all the values of foo. Again the syntax has to be precise or the tags will not be parsed correctly.
+++ Arrays With Keys
<code type="php">// We now have an array with keys to pass
// $foo = array(
// 'city' => 'paris',
// 'country' => 'france',
// 'language' => 'french'
// );
// To set in the template object
$template->set('foo', $foo);
many foo values:
<li><tag:foo.city />, located in <tag:foo.country /> where <tag:foo.language /> is spoken.
** Note:** You must have a loop array to parse through variables with keys. Using the tags {{<tag:foo.somekey />}} on their own without the loop tag will not work properly.
+++ If Conditions
<code type="php">// Set up the php variable, this checks if a user has been authorized
// with the checkUserAuth() function returning a true or false
// $is_auth = checkUserAuth();
// Set the 'if' variable into the template object.
$template->set('is_auth', $is_auth);
// And we set up another variable for inclusion inside the if statement
$template->set('visitors', countvisits());
Welcome to our site...<br />
Today's site statistics are: <tag:visitors /> visitors!
** Note:** as always the syntax has to be precise, and the part within the {{<if>...</if>}} block will be shown only if {{$is_auth}} is true.
+++ If-Else Conditions
<code type="php">$template->set('somename', true);
Welcome to our site...<br />
somename is true
somename is false
** Note:** The {{<else>}} statement must be enclosed in the {{<if>}} block.
+++ If Conditions and Arrays
<code type="php">$users = array('john', 'peter', 'mary');
$template->set('users', $users);
Welcome to our site...<br />
Current users:<br/>
<tag:users /><br/>
There are no users at the moment
** Note:** The {{<else>}} statement must be enclosed in the {{<if>}} block.
+++ Nested Loops and Nested Tags
<code type="php">$categories= array(
array('type' => 'fruit', 'items' => array('apple', 'pear')),
array('type' => 'veggie', 'items' => array('tomato', 'potato', 'carrot', 'onion')),
array('type' => 'thing', 'items' => array('spoon', 'paperbag', 'tool'))
$template->set('categories', $categories);
I have a <tag:categories.type />. What could it be?
<li><tag:categories.items /></li>
<code>I have a fruit. What could it be?
* apple
* pear
I have a veggie. What could it be?
* tomato
* potato
* carrot
* onion
I have a thing. What could it be?
* spoon
* paperbag
* tool
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