[cvs] commit: trean/scripts check_links.php trean edit.php trean/templates/edit bookmark.inc
Chuck Hagenbuch
chuck at horde.org
Fri Dec 29 13:43:34 PST 2006
chuck 2006-12-29 13:43:34 PST
Modified files:
scripts check_links.php
. edit.php
templates/edit bookmark.inc
It took me until today, when I was tracking down the usage and meaning
of all attributes used by bookmarks, that I found the feature to save
a bookmark's redirected URL. Great idea but given that I never knew it
was there... I've instead included (commented out for now) code in
check_links.php to go ahead and update the actual url of the bookmark.
Revision Changes Path
1.42 +1 -17 trean/edit.php
1.22 +10 -4 trean/scripts/check_links.php
1.5 +1 -6 trean/templates/edit/bookmark.inc
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