[cvs] commit: dimp/js/src DimpCore.js dimp/js DimpCore.js

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Mar 2 17:07:34 PST 2007

slusarz     2007-03-02 20:07:34 EST

  Modified files:
    js/src               DimpCore.js 
    js                   DimpCore.js 
  Weird.  Add this overflow definition back in or else Mozilla browsers come
  back with a blank screen when accessing a page for the first time (and all you
  would need to do is click somewhere on the screen and the message list would
  then pop into view).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.60      +1 -1      dimp/js/DimpCore.js
  1.60      +5 -2      dimp/js/src/DimpCore.js

  Chora Links:

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