[cvs] [Wiki] changed: FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot

Wiki Guest wikiguest at horde.org
Tue Mar 20 09:14:02 UTC 2007

guest []  Tue, 20 Mar 2007 02:14:02 -0700

Modified page: http://wiki.horde.org/FAQ/Admin/Troubleshoot
New Revision:  7.0
Change log:  "Last login: Never": cf. UPGRADING from Horde 2

@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@

 +++ A blank white screen appears [[# wsod]]
 In order to get an idea of what really happened, take a look in the web
server's error log, in which more verbose errors should be found, at least
if you properly configured [http://de2.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php
error logging in your PHP setup].

-Possible reasons could be a fatal PHP error, not being displayed to the
browser (which is a good thing on production systems, but bad if you are
trying to hunt down a
or a segfaulting server process (happens most times in the
[http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.imap.php c-client library] while using
IMP). If you correctly configured your web server and PHP to log all
errors, you should find more information in your web server's or PHP's log
files, or whereever you log the errors (syslog etc.).
+Possible reasons could be a fatal PHP error, not being displayed to the
browser (which is a good thing on production systems, but bad if you are
trying to hunt down a
or a sehttp://wiki.horde.org/horde/services/help/?module=wicked
+Helpgfaulting server process (happens most times in the
[http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.imap.php c-client library] while using
IMP). If you correctly configured your web server and PHP to log all
errors, you should find more information in your web server's or PHP's log
files, or whereever you log the errors (syslog etc.).

 Another place to see is the Horde log which is being configured in Horde's
setup. By default Horde is logging to the file /tmp/horde.log.

 +++ After logging in users are immediately thrown back to the login screen
@@ -23,8 +25,11 @@
 : Delete any cookies in your browser for Horde to test any of the above
changes - otherwise wrong cookies might be stored in your browser and the
above actions still fail

 +++ After logging in the message "Last login: Never" is displayed. Always.
 You didn't configure a permanent preference backend like SQL or LDAP.
Preference backends are used to store user settings and personal stuff like
the last login time. As an administrator go the the setup screen for Horde,
select the {{Preference System}} tab, and enter the necessary settings. The
{{PHP Sessions}} backend does //not// store the user settings permanently.
You might also need to create some storage resource in the backend of your
choice, e.g. a table in your SQL database or a scheme in your LDAP
directory. But this is covered in the
[http://www.horde.org/horde/docs/?f=INSTALL.html installation
+When you are using preferences data from Horde 2.x with Horde 3.0, you have
to delete all "last_login" preferences, as mentioned in the
installation documentation]. For example, in a MySQL database, you would
issue the command:
+delete from horde_prefs where pref_name='last_login';

 ++ Common error messages

 +++ "Call to undefined function: _( )"

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