[cvs] commit: dimp/js DimpCore.js ViewPort.js dimp/js/src DimpCore.js ViewPort.js

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Fri Mar 23 18:47:44 UTC 2007

slusarz     2007-03-23 14:47:44 EDT

  Modified files:
    js                   DimpCore.js ViewPort.js 
    js/src               DimpCore.js ViewPort.js 
  This should fix problems relating to infinite looping of a ListMessages
  request.  The issue normally occurs when an entry is in dhtmlhistory that
  has been deleted, and the page is either reloaded or the back button is
  pushed.  Fixing this has caused a couple of minor quirks with scroll
  positioning and message selection, but I will clean these up later.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.97      +1 -1      dimp/js/DimpCore.js
  1.92      +1 -1      dimp/js/ViewPort.js
  1.98      +20 -13    dimp/js/src/DimpCore.js
  1.68      +38 -42    dimp/js/src/ViewPort.js

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