[cvs] commit: ansel/config conf.xml ansel/lib Ansel.php Tags.php

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Mon May 14 21:20:21 UTC 2007

mrubinsk    2007-05-14 17:20:21 EDT

  Modified files:
    config               conf.xml 
    lib                  Ansel.php Tags.php 
  - Add config option to cache permissions and frequent queries.
  - Some tweaking to the caching logic, and add caching of the query results in Ansel_Tags::searchTagsById()
  This should help even more with the performance hit associated with the tagging code (especially related tags).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.23      +14 -2     ansel/config/conf.xml
  1.170     +17 -8     ansel/lib/Ansel.php
  1.37      +49 -27    ansel/lib/Tags.php

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