[cvs] commit: framework/Xml_Element Element.php framework/Xml_Element/tests ElementTest.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri May 18 03:08:40 UTC 2007

chuck       2007-05-17 23:08:40 EDT

  Modified files:
    Xml_Element          Element.php 
    Xml_Element/tests    ElementTest.php 
  - Add some test cases to check for bad arguments
  - Add bad argument checking in some Horde_Xml_Element methods
  - Allow passing an XML string directly to the Horde_Xml_Element constructor
  - Allow passing a nested array to fromArray()
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.8       +31 -2     framework/Xml_Element/Element.php
  1.6       +37 -1     framework/Xml_Element/tests/ElementTest.php

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