[cvs] commit: dimp imp.php dimp/js ViewPort.js dimp/js/src ViewPort.js dimp/lib/Views ListMessages.php

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Wed May 23 18:24:19 UTC 2007

slusarz     2007-05-23 14:24:19 EDT

  Modified files:
    .                    imp.php 
    js                   ViewPort.js 
    js/src               ViewPort.js 
    lib/Views            ListMessages.php 
  Improvements to buffering algorithm.  When approaching bounds, pass information
  to server to optimize the message slice returned (rather than returning a
  slice centered on current offset).
  When searching for bottom limit approach, do lookup in reverse order since it
  is most likely any gaps will be at end of viewport slice.
  Fix offset regeneration when loading a cached mailbox (need to call
  updateContent() before we call checkCache()).
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.162     +11 -8     dimp/imp.php
  1.138     +1 -1      dimp/js/ViewPort.js
  1.115     +29 -25    dimp/js/src/ViewPort.js
  1.33      +20 -8     dimp/lib/Views/ListMessages.php

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