[cvs] commit: incubator/oscar/templates/video lighttpd.php incubator/oscar/themes screen.css incubator/oscar/lib View.php incubator/oscar/config conf.xml incubator/oscar video.php

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Tue Sep 18 16:02:23 UTC 2007

mrubinsk    2007-09-18 12:02:23 EDT

  Modified files:
    oscar/templates/video lighttpd.php 
    oscar/themes         screen.css 
    oscar/lib            View.php 
    oscar/config         conf.xml 
    oscar                video.php 
  make thumbnails same size as the flv frame (still very small file sizes), and show 1st frame thumbnail as the preview on the player.
  Note, this won't work currently if not viewing directly out of the file system (but degrades properly) since the additional url parameter needed for it confues the player...not sure if there is a way around that or not.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.21      +3 -3      incubator/oscar/config/conf.xml
  1.10      +2 -2      incubator/oscar/lib/View.php
  1.3       +1 -1      incubator/oscar/templates/video/lighttpd.php
  1.6       +5 -1      incubator/oscar/themes/screen.css
  1.9       +3 -1      incubator/oscar/video.php

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